Friday, June 3, 2011


to find the words to what i am feeling in this moment is surprisingly difficult. i am not usually a person who is ever at a loss for words. i am extremely grateful for all the love and support that is rushing in around me. i've taken a leap of faith in myself that i can create my art and sell it "for a living". i hate when people ask; what do you do for a living? why does a "career" define us? i want to respond with: well, i am a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a dog lover, a dreamer, spiritual, creative, sensitive, passionate, empathetic, anxious, curious being. but i suppose that is more of an answer to who i am . . . what i do is love my life, and the people i am fortunate to have in it, strive everyday at being fully present and living whole heartedly, believe that what you ask the universe for can be provided, create things that i am passionate about in hopes that another will feel inspired by.

i believe that we are all connected. i wrote an email to my loved ones asking for guidance and support in this leap and they have all replied with love and encouragement. it comforts my soul that i am indeed doing what i should be. it feels right. i had been carrying with me for years this desire and almost as if i was waiting for someone to push me off the edge of resistance. my fears were holding my ankles, whispering insecurities and doubt. well its time i kicked those fears off and into the fire. they can no longer hold me back. i will go forward, one step at a time, as gracefully as possible. knowing that i may stumble time to time. that is part of the learning. part of the journey. as i say goodbye to a job that has taught me so many things, that has been a comfort zone, a place of confidence and good income, i say hello to the many things i will learn and flourish in. hello to new opportunities and experiences... hope and inspiration. courage and strength. thank you,  you have all been a part in contributing to my dream and new reality.  

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