Wednesday, August 26, 2015

to my kindergartener

From your first flutter i was filled with joyful, grateful, love
I'm so blessed your soul chose me to be your momma 
You have taught me so much in the last 5 years
Wholeheartedness, perseverance, tolerance, consciousness, sincerity
You have so much wonder and curiosity
It inspires me to go after my dreams without fear
You always know exactly what i'm feeling without me saying a word

As you embark on your schooldays journey i wish you to remember...

You are a bright, funny, lovable soul
{remember our whisper: you are safe, you are loved, you are okay}
Your determination and fixations will help guide you through hard days
Your intuition will always speak to you loudly. . . never ever doubt it
Some people are mean and say hurtful things. . . send them love anyways
Keep your sense of humor. . . sometimes laughter is the best medicine
Stay curious and courageous. . . it will bring you anywhere you want to go

I am so proud of all your accomplishments and abilities
Momma loves you more than the moon loves the stars
    Cheers to Kindergarten Boog  

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