Monday, July 19, 2010

summer playtime

our magic tree

it's the first time i have had summer "playtime" since high school. i can't say vacation because having a new baby is actually a lot of work. it's good, rewarding work though so i'm not complaining. i've been listening to my body and doing what it needs. resting when i need to, getting out in the sun when it craves vitamin D and going places with family and friends when i can.

ayden and i went to the zoo with my sister and nephew. he of course, slept through the whole thing but i enjoyed it. especially because my 4 year old nephew knows enough about all the animals that i didn't have to read any of the informational signs :)

we've also been playing outside and had a picnic by the river. he is starting to be much more aware of his surroundings and following voices and sounds. and recently really into the way things feel. we sat under the magic tree's* shade in the back yard the other day. he could feel the cool breeze and the grass in his hands. he just starred up into the big blue sky in awe.

i had a taste of what its going to be like to be away from him for 8 hours on saturday. it was the first time he spent some real quality alone time with dad while i had a momma day. my sister, mom and i went to the spa and did a lil shopping and then went to visit our animal shelter friends with my nephew. after 4 hours i was feeling empty handed. by the time i got home i was so overcome with happiness to see him and give him some love! so going back to work is going to be very hard on my heart for a while. only a couple more weeks of my summer playtime.

*stay tuned for magic tree stories.

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