Thursday, September 8, 2011

first days

today was the first day of school for my godson alex. i sat and reminisced over the memories of the last five years of his life and how quickly they have passed. he is who taught me the definition of love at first sight. when i met him the day he was born i fell instantaneously in love. it is hard to put into words what my heart + soul felt in that moment. and it wasn't until baby a was born i felt it all over again. there is a difference in feeling an instant connection with someone and love at first sight.

alex is the the definition of boy wonder. he has a photographic memory and is full of did you knows and animal wisdom. he is sensitive and kind and very witty. i know he will do wonderfully in school i just can't believe the day is already here! baby a and i wanted to wish him well on his new venture so we sent him this picture message to view before heading to the bus stop.

of course this was during a's mickey mouse time so he was a little distracted.

his momma sent us this picture of him waiting for the bus. so proud of you alex! may school bring you much knowledge and new friends. can't wait to hear all about what you are learning!!

1 comment:

Alysia Christine said...

Awww Dani this is so sweet!! I loved reading every bit of it!! It's crazy how time flies and how quickly we all grow up!! xoxo