Tuesday, August 9, 2011

what i've got

so blessed and beyond touched by all the beautiful birthday wishes + gifts! what a wonderful start to 30!!  i feel compelled to list out how truly fortunate i am for the presence of the following in my life:

my amazing son
 my beloved husband
 my cozy home
 my dedicated family
 my encouraging friends
 my fun-loving dogs
 my good health 
 my heartfelt creativity
 my interminable spirituality
 my journey of momma-hood
 my kindhearted father
 my lamb-like nephews and niece
 my magnificent mother
 my never-ending inspiration
 my obtainable goals
 my persistent drive
 my quiet times
 my relentless curiosity
 my sensible sobriety
 my tangible truth
 my unbelievable sisters
 my valiant efforts
 my wholehearted support
 my youthful heart
 my zealous personality

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