Friday, August 5, 2011

ready for business!

okay so i am a Huge procrastinator and perfectionist. those pesky lil inner critics critiquing Every lil detail holding me back from taking the actual plunge of opening up shop. i've always worked best under pressure but wow-wee did i do a number on myself this time. let me back up here. ..
i've mentioned before but i used to have a business called dewdrop creative. i made a collaboration of artsy things and sold in a few stores and at craft sales. the craft sales is where it got to me. people looking at your work that you put your heart into and i felt judgement - good + bad. i couldn't step away from that it just might not be their style. i took my work very seriously as an inner reflection. when really sometimes it was just the venue i was at. anyways, it became forced and my passion for creating was dwindling. but now looking back, it was all just part of the making into something bigger and better ☺

taking time away gave me a chance to reflect and grow from the things i've learned. things i will not do and things i will do better. my biggest struggle now is time management! i'm a busy girl being pulled into a million different directions but i kinda love my chaos! i love being able to do a variety of things and play a variety of roles in my life. it keeps me full and ever changing.

back to my inner critics. i kept hearing what if nothing sells, what if no one likes my style, how do i do this, is it worth all the questions and concerns and time i am spending on creating??? the answers i've come to terms with: YES it is worth it because art is my passion and it keeps me going. if nothing sells and nobody like my work its okay! ultimately i am doing this work for myself. creating makes me feel alive and its a big part of who i am. i need to give this a chance and time and yes i will run into glitches and its all part of the learning. so here goes...

my shop is ready for business

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